patty warmer
These models are particularly suitable for keeping patty’s in gravy, sauces and small portions of soup warm . The models are very similar to the sausage warmers, but are slightly smaller in size. The Burger heaters are available as table-top models and are very similar in design to the sausage warmers. The Burger heater has an outer container that you fill with water and an inner container where you put the food you want to heat. The inner vat can be easily removed and cleaned or washed in the dishwasher.
The Burger heater is available in three different sizes with capacities of three, four and six liters. There’s a Burger heater for most capacity needs, and at the same time it’s easy to find space for one of the appliances in your hot dog stand or grill bar.
It’s not always easy to please everyone with your product range, especially when space is tight. But with these small heating tubs, you have the possibility to accommodate more and thus fulfill more customers’ wishes.