ESG Report
A step towards a sustainable future
It is with great pleasure that we present FKI’s first ESG report, in line with our increased ambitions regarding sustainability, as well as the surrounding society’s increasing focus on ESG and sustainability, we want to meet these expectations by reporting on our own ESG efforts so that we both provide greater transparency, but also commit ourselves to what we say we do. One of the cornerstones of our Report will in the future be our green accounts, where this year’s green accounts will constitute our baseline going forward, where our emissions in Scope 1, 2 and 3 are 352.16 tonnes CO2e, which corresponds to 9.52 tonnes of CO2e per employee. The climate accounts are the first step in the work of managing and reducing our emissions.
We hope that our work with ESG will strengthen our relationships with our customers, employees and stakeholders, and that we thereby help ensure a more sustainable future.

We are always ready when it comes to equipment for professional fast food preparation. At FKI, we have a broad knowledge of the industry and we are committed to finding the best solutions for each job.